Dulwich Riding School is approved by the Association of British Riding Schools and has recently been awarded a five star Health and Safety approval from our local Council, Dulwich Riding School was founded in 1961 run now by Jaye Montebello, the current Manager and Proprietor.
Jaye was the Manageress (now proprietor) and is still hands on along with other family members who are still running the stables. Ellie is part of the family who currently rides and instructs at our London riding school. Sharon is our Health and Safety Manager. We specialise in nervous and novice riders and are brilliant with building confidence. OJ also part of the family is currently a Junior Instructor, Ellie, Jaye and Rose our instructors specialising in working with Advanced riders and Jumping Lessons. Melissa, Neveah teach full time too, and Imogen and Esme are part of our Junior Instuctors and are especially good with children and parties, voluntary although been with us for years, however, a couple of them will be full staff from September, watch this space. NO one instructor can be booked for a lesson due to rotas and schedules although we will do out best to accommodate where possible.
Our staff, volunteers, working pupils and family give their time helping Dulwich Riding School flourish and maintain its standards.
Lots of our team are volunteers, they are a strong a valuable part of our team and without them we could not maintain the standards and level of professional care to all our Riders and Horses at Dulwich Riding School.
Passion and determination to uphold high standards. Each instructor feels very proud when a client passes an exam, or completes a successful course or just generally leaves the stables feeling a sense of achievement or just having lots of fun.
The ultimate drive is to be part of 18 wonderful horses and ponies' lives, building bonds and being priviledged to do a job that we enjoy. Meeting new people, talking with old friends and generally networking within our industry.
Currently 18 at present working horses, mostly stabled although all horses have access to our onsite small turnout paddock, and access to full turnout in Kent, park rides, pony camps and further turnout located off site for rotation and requirement.